Friday, December 22, 2006

Bring on the miracles.

Remember that miracle man I was going to go looking for? Still AWOL, if he actually exists. I'm absent myself next week, but not without leave, I have an actual signed leave application (Take the hint, you bloody miracle mongrel!). Sorry, feeling a bit aggro this morning.

I don't want to give up on love, I don't I don't I don't! But, sweet jesus, how the hell do I keep holdin' on to something that I've only ever heard of? Kinda like the Tasmanian Tiger, people keep seeing it, but it's never been properly documented, and according to science it's been extinct for decades. Or like Bigfoot, only seen by drunken, doubtful hicks that take grainy pictures of cousins in gorilla suits. Or the Loch Ness Monster. The stuff of deception and legend.

Anyway, I'm back under the radar emotionally speaking, I've managed to tame the animal in me that tries to tear through my skin every now and then. Back to smooth and steady. Hopefully, I'll be able to get this awful season over without another outbreak threat. Gawd, I hate the holiday season!

Plans further on: doing the last shopping and preparations this weekend, taking my brother to see a movie. Leaving Christmas morning for Makhado, to spend the day with mom's family, coming back same day. Then basically staying at home doing things I don't get the chance to do during normal working days. Like move around Misha's room, etc. Then spending New Year's at home (by choice), like I have the past 4 years. Then back to work on the 2nd. Oh joy! I can hardly contain my excitement.

Yule is over, last night was solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere this signals the height of summer, and the turning of the season towards winter. I've been having that hibernating feeling for a long time, so it'll be good when the season finally catches up with me.

I'm out, another miserable Christmas ahead. To all the happy people out there, I wish you continued happiness. To all the not-happy people out there, I wish us all miracles.