My not-so-bad-mood af the past few days, seems to have disappeared. Due to a number of different factors.
First, my son left on holiday to the coast with his father today, and as per usual, his (I want to use the word idiot, but won't) father made no set arrangements with me regarding his Christmas gifts, and now my son is disappointed, and I'm sure it's being blamed on me.
Second, I was trying to contact my collegue yesterday, to ask whether I could keep a couple of gifts in his office 'till Friday, so the person they're for, can take them home, but his receiptionist obviously feels obligated to protect him from me, as she kept me from reaching him. And she really pissed me off with the way she made me feel like I'm doing something wrong, and disgusting, by trying to reach him. I mean, I know he's out of bounds, and I do not jump his bones everytime I see him (even if I'd really like to), but he's still my friend, and I like talking to him, and don't, for the life of me, understand why I should feel guilty about it. I'm in two minds, one to keep pursuing the issue, to get to her. Or, to give up totally, cos it's just aggravating me.
I am sooooooooo tired of being treated like some kind of scarlet woman just because I am divorced, not in a relationship, and have more male friends than female. And I know, the proverb says that there's no smoke without a fire, but in this case, believe me, I am no slut. I have in fact, been told by male friends that I'm too conservative.
Anyway, I have to go run an errand for by boss, so I'll cut the lament short. I just hope the day's gonna end better than if friggin started!