Almost lost you there! Haven't been able to sign in on my blog all morning, now all of sudden I can! Yay!!
Yesterday got a call from one of my bestest friends, who moved away, and is back now. We had lunch to catch up, which was really nice! I'm very attached to the friends I have, and missed him A LOT! There's a very old song I used to listen to when I was small, that describes it accurately. I'll have to translate, but it basically says that 'the people that I love, grows on me like moss, there I let them thrive, and when one leaves, it leaves a wound that just won't heal', well, that's how I feel about my friends. Like a little hermit crab that searches for a shell that fits just right, then adds a beautiful anemone, and builds layers to buffer itself the outside world, covering itself in beautiful, strong things.
We have a tentative lunch date for today again, so I hope I'll be seeing him again this afternoon, I still haven't refilled totally, I need more time till I can continue normally.