There's definitely something to be said for physical excercise. I am not usually a fan, but I have to admit that I feel better physically since we started gymming. A little more energy; I've been sleeping well for the past week (very strange for me) and it's nice to be so tired that I actually fall asleep, and don't hover on the brink of waking and sleeping all night.
No word yet from JC, but I am still ok with that. I'm just glad I let him know how I feel, and his reaction is not really gonna change anything about that.
My confidante has been informed about my conflcting feelings for that collegue of mine, with the "housemate". Strangely enough, she finds the situation amusing, and seem to think that I should pretend the "housemate" doesn't exist. Since she's the one who taught me not to mess with people's relationships, I find that very disconcerting. On the other hand, I've been staying away from his office on purpose lately, cos when I see him often, I want to see him more often. And I have this horrible urge to be honest with him about my feelings. I think I'll go say hi today, see what happens. Seeing him always leaves me frustrated, wanting something more. Not good for the hormones.