Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What does sacred mean to you?

Our local art museum is in the building opposite the building I work in. Today, on the floor of our art museum someone pasted the outline of a labyrinth, in brown paper. In the centre of the labyrinth there's a stool, with a pillow on it, and when you sit down, you face a sheet of paper on the floor with the words " The Labyrinth is a sacred space. What does sacred mean to you?" printed on it.

So what does sacred mean to me?

Sacred means that which was, and never will be. Sacred means loving a child for being a child, and letting a child be a child. My dreams were sacred, when I still had them.

I had 2, or, only two that was constant. Firstly, I wanted to care for animals.I told my mom when I was still very small, that I was gonna live in a cottage in a big forest, with lots and lots of animals around me, and no humans. This changed into wanting to become a vet, then into loving them back to health in an animal shelter. Never wanted to worry about funding, or where the next feeding would come from, all I wanted was to hold a sick animal in my arms, and love it. And, whether it died or got healthy, it would have been loved for that while, and it would know that I love it. Second dream, was to live on a piece of land, with a man I love, with my children, and of course - animals. To plant and grow living things, to gather fruit and vegetables I've grown myself. And to care for, and nurture all around me. Doesn't sound like much, I realise, and to some people, this might be a century old dream, past it's "best before" date. I don't care, I think that I would have been whole if I was that person.

So, I guess what's sacred to me, is love. Being loved, and sharing that with every other shiny spark of soul. The most simplistic, delicate, intricate, solid and at the same time, the most inconsistent thing in the universe. Which makes everything I see and everything I am, that much sadder.