So I went off to see the folks at the competing company. Had a very honest, very open discussion about what it would take to make me pack up and move over. Got hustled over to the sales manager's office the moment I arrived, told him exactly what I felt, and got the third degree in return. Took about 20 minutes, at the end of which he said that if I was chosen, they would make me an offer I couldn't refuse, to which I said 'sharp'. That was Friday. I am not holding my breath.
Other than that, I once again brought out someone's 'Inner Bitch', without any effort on my part on Saturday. Special talent, that. Went to a friend's stork tea, felt kinda low, so I suppose I was a bit quiet. When an acquintance told me that I was behaving very well, as a joke, another acquintance remarked that I 'was totally out of my depth, wasn't I?' which I interpret as "You don't belong, love, f-off". Don't really understand what brought that on, maar nou ja. So I stayed for the formalities, and then did as she so discreetly suggested.
Suppose I just have one of those faces.
Don't know about the finances yet, salary is still uncertain. Looks like I might be getting this month, next month, and then from March on, not. To be perfectly honest, since I have NO possible solutions, I am ignoring (or ignoring as much as I can, when I don't get chills from worry) the subject. Ostrich-syndrome.
No meaningful contributions today, I'm afraid. I'm all out of enthusiasm. I'll work on that.