Friday, January 26, 2007

Throw me a rope, will ya?!

My life seems kinds surreal at the moment. Having MAJOR financial worries, and have a 'chat' scheduled with someone at a competiting company. She got my name from an ex-collegue, who moved over to their side a while back. Initially she phoned me 2 days ago, introduced herself and told me why she called, and asked whether I'd be willing to come see her. I agreed, and we made an appointment for today.

So yesterday, the papaya hits the fan at work, and I stand a chance of not getting any salary for a few months, all totally above board, nothing underhanded on my boss' side, purely due to the kind of business we're in, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Very faint, but it's there. I decide to let her know, thanks, but no thanks, which I did. Only she calls back, and begs me to at least come listen to her offer. So, that's how come I still have an appointment with her.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm observing my life from the bottom of a rather large pit. Today, this feeling is even stronger, and it's like someone else is pulling the strings, and changing the scenery around me. Maybe I'll try and get out of this hole, or maybe I'll just stay in here for a while, it's kinda nice, quiet.