That's what I call that stupid state of waiting for someone to rescue you. I used to give in to Cinderella Syndrome a lot when I was younger. These days I get irritated with myself when I realise that I'm 'holding out for a hero'.
Have to admit, though, no matter how realistic and grounded I've become, I still dream about someone sweeping me off my office chair, demanding I resign to take care of the children we're gonna have, and carry me down the 2 flights of stairs, before depositing me in the seat of his big, All Wheel Drive chariot. (The next day, while I'm lounging in the huge elegantly cream-coloured bed, he'll stroll into the room and announce that my account has been opened, and that I have a personal allowance of R100 000 per month, and that the cook wants to know what to serve for lunch.)
That, of course, ain't gonna happen, but it would still have been wonderful. Naturally, he'd have to be able to cope with my desire to surround myself with animals, and digging up the estate lawn to make place for the veggie garden, and fruit orchard. But, since he is a figment of imagination, he'd have absolutley no problem with that, and would give me as much space as an airy-fairy Gemini could possibly need.
So, I bet even the most hardened feminist has an occasional flirt with CS, and to that I say:"Right on Sister!" before turning back to my small desk in the open-plan office (seating 18) to do my R5 000 a month job, and check whether I've had any unpaid debits on my account yet.