Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rats, Dogs, Dreams

Had rather peculiar dreams last night. My son has 2 tame rats (for real, not as part of the dream), one white with albino pink eyes, and one looking rather a lot like a wild rat, only much fatter. White one is called Stewart, brown one Jo. Both girls, both totally overweight for rats.

So, in the first dream, Jo was sick, very sick, she was gasping like a dying fish (never good), and was this horrid dull colour, like people get when they're dying a slow, drawn out death. Anyway, I knew I had to take her to the vet, and was on my way, but had the nagging thought at the back of my mind that I was gonna be ridiculed for taking a rat to the vet. Also, there was another rat in the cage, pretending to be Jo, but I knew who the real Jo was, and was more annoyed than worried about the imposter. The dream ended with me on my way to the vet, annoyed at the imposter rat for distracting me from my real mission.

Bit of background before I start the second dream, I have 4 Griffon Bruxellois dogs, a small toy breed, that looks a lot like Pugs, with long hair. Beautifull, sweet little dogs, who adore the person they choose as Alpha.

In the dream, I went somewhere very far away, to collect what must have been about 30 Griffons. Brought them home, but home was a filthy, trailer-park looking place. With scrap metal everywhere, and general disarray. I was so happy with the dogs, that I didn't mind the horrid surroundings at all. The puppies were everywhere, playing, and being happy little dogs as they usually are, when my aunt and a man I couldn't see, showed up. She goes straight to a pair of puppies sitting separate from mine, picks up one and tells me how lucky I am and what good dogs they are. Only, they are not mine, and they are Bull Terriers, a breed that is brilliant on their own, but does not share territory well with other breeds. I love Bull Terriers, but I have seen the savage way they deal with other, less determined, less territorial dogs, and don't want these anywhere near my babies. I just know they would kill off my dogs. So, I tell my aunt exactly what I think of the Bull Terriers mingling with my dogs, and remember feeling very indignant that she would think the Terriers are "better" dogs than my beautiful Griffies.

Lots of symbols, and very open to interpretation, isn't it?