Monday, November 27, 2006


Still single, managed to evade the person my family wanted to introduce me to. Wasn't that difficult really, since the one & only time I had to be in close proximity he was hammered, and some shade netting seperated us. So I could safely wave politely, and hightail it. I very adamantly refused any invites thereafter that would've brought me anywhere near him. Still don't know what he looks like, and don't care. Call me a bitch, but showing up smashed when you know that there'll be a bunch of total strangers, seems kinda stupid to me. But, that's a personal opinion, if that's how he does things, all hail. As one of his 'friends' said, "André always has a glass in his hand. " Good for you, André, good for you!

I do not have to deal with that, and I would consider myself really friggin' dumb, to even try and deal with that. Once bitten, and all that. Whatever, not my problem.

That numb feeling that started last week continued through the weekend, and today is still the same. Don't know why, but I do know it's not a good sign. I usually feel this way at the start of a major depression. Not good.