That strange sound? Oh, that was me laughing - out loud! Haven't done that in a looooooong while. I went to a year-end function, formal, on Saturday, and I actually had fun. I laughed as least as much as the past 8 months put together. I asked Janien, a very outspoken, very fun friend of mine, as my date, and teamed up with 2 other friends there. Was surprised at my own laugh, I have to admit.
Yesterday, chilling out at home. Fun.
Today, ah, this is where the backsliding comes into play. Today, JC decided to sms me. Nothing major, just wanted to know how I am, what I did the weekend, standard stuff. Joked about missing his favourite fastfood when he missed his lunch date with me. Told him that he's to blame for ditching me, got told off for saying he ditched me, and that I shouldn't be silly.
My reply? That it was just as well he ditched me, since I would've just gotten sad to say bye. His reply? None. Now, I know this doesn't sound like fun yet, but hell, gimme a break, I'm tryin' to make lemonade here! I think I need him to know that he affects me very badly, and I'm trying to work up the nerve to tell him. This, is a start. Instead of struggling, and getting stuck in the mud more and more, I think I'd like to think of it as a rejuvinating mud bath this time. Get some mileage out of sliding back into the mud, this time.
For now, a start is good enough. We'll see what happens.