Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Health Warning to Men: Avoid reading this if you don't like The Burn

Today, I could cheerfully swallow someone's head, without chewing. Today, the dragon is just burning to fry someone! So stand back.

Yes, I'm in a shitty mood. Frustrated as hell, and pissed off.

See, I have a phone stalker. And, up till now I could handle the bastard blocking his number, phoning any time of day, and hanging up when I answer, or if I don't answer, just letting it ring, and then hanging up. But today, I've had it. I'm am SO fed-up. I think it might be the alcoholic I dated a while back, remember? (Read archives if your don't). Whatever, I want it to STOP! Seriously, it's really freaking me out that someone can be so psychotic as to purposefully phone me just to drop the phone, day in and day out, over the course of almost 4 months!! I'm sorry, that's just sick. I mean, how depraved do you have to be to get some kind of kick out of that for such a long time! GET A LIFE! Coward! Mooooooove on, fuck someone, drink yourself blind, lose my number, pleeeeeeeeaaaasssseeee! If it's not him (which I doubt, since it started around the time I told him to move on), I appologise. And redirect the above comments to the other sick fuck who gets off on stalking.

Can anyone out there tell me why the hell I have to put up with sick behaviour from men? Is this a trait of the sex, or am I just that special? Whoever you are, do you even realise the damage you're doing to your sex's already severely tarnished image? At least from my viewpoint? You are just the last in a long line of dicks who have believed that the little blonde with the cutie face is gonna melt at your feet into a wet puddle and beg you to make me yours, just for owning a penis. Not gonna happen, you Neanderthal. I mean, I really like men, and sex, but I like men who have BALLS. You know, those symbolics things that your sex believes gives you courage to actually talk into a phone when someone picks up, or accept the fact that it's OVER, or just generally use the organ that fills up space in your skull! The things you seem to be 2 short of.

You are fucking with my belief-system here, and that's somewhere you just don't wanna go! I might seem like a mixed-up, generally harmless girl, but honey, this is one book that you should NOT judge by the cover! BIG MISTAKE! Just as well I don't know for certain who you are! I get kinda scary when I'm this pissed (and yes, I can refer you to men who can testify to that fact), and hurting someone as underdeveleoped as you, would probably be seen as cruelty to animals. I am trying to reprogramme my own organ (you know, the one in my skull, that I actually USE!) to believe that not all men are fucked-up, abusive, thoughtless, selfish sociopaths, and you, my gutless wonder, have just set men back a few thousand years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My advice to you, grow some, or crawl back under the rock you belong, you prehistoric brainless reptile!