Wednesday, November 15, 2006

On being emotionally challenged ......

She said, "There is no reason
and the truth is plain to see."
Sometimes the truth of a situation is as plain as the nose on your face, but 'there's none so blind, as those who will not see'. Which means, in my world, that I have 2 choices, keep on living in a semi-real dimension, where I balance vicariously on the word "MAYBE" for the rest of my natural life. Or I deal with the fact that I care deeply for someone who has already passed me by for this lifetime.
"And so it was that later
as the miller told his tale
that her face, at first just ghostly,
turned a whiter shade of pale."
And, Goddess knows, I want to deal, I do! Honestly, I don't know what it is what keeps me welded to JC, or how to sever this cord that makes me feel the blood moving in his veins, that makes the blood race in mine. Guardians, Angels all, I've asked, and asked and asked. No-one answers though. I wish I could, I need to somehow, know.
But she smiled at me so sadly
that my anger staightaway died
If music be the food of love
then laughter is it's Queen
and likewise if behind is in front
then dirt, in truth, is clean.