Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I know, I know

Third time today, I know!
Just having a bit of a confusing day, and since I don't share with real-life people that well, I'm sharing it with my little corner of the Internet.

Some days the ache for someone to have, to hold, to share with is so bad, if I think about it too long, it takes my breath away, and I have to gasp, to get enough oxygen into my lungs. Today is one of those days. It makes my body feel like I'm being "beamed up" like in the Star Trek movies, when they stand on that pad thingie, and you see their bodies go kinda elongated, like the spces between their cells are being stretched. It makes me ache. Everywhere, my heart, my throat, my womb.

Like it's physically abnormal for me not to have someone to run to, and be enveloped. Like it's a requirement for healthy existence that I be touched with affection, and my body is starting to fade because it's not getting affection. And, god knows, there's nothing I can do about it. I can't make someone touch me, and I won't debase myself for a few minutes of sex with a willing body, just to ease the ache. It has to mean something. It has to. Goddess Mother of All, please, please, please, I need , I need, I need.

Fix, please.