I am no longer steaming, as a matter of fact, I received a text message from the suspect, thanking me for teaching him the lesson that you should protect the ones you love at all cost. Go figure. No idea what that's about, but no anonymous phone calls since then. (Thank you, Universe) Phone peace at last. I'm having faith that it was, indeed, him, and that now the calls will stop.
Kinda in a strange mood, like I'm floating somewhere in the earth's atmosphere, not touching ground, but not having to breathe unearthly air either. Just somewhere inbetween. Not really peacefull, not really stressed, just calm.
Still working on faith, and so far it's going well. Starting at a gym today, hoping to work on my energy levels, and of course, a little toning can't hurt.
Had a very strange talk with that collegue of mine I blogged about a while ago. We were joking about me needing a man, and he made a comment about not standing a chance if I'm only interested in farmers. So I told him that I don't mess with "taken" men, cos he mos stays with a woman he calls his 'housemate'. That said, he just lowered his head, and shook it. But tried to keep me in his office as long as possible. Another puzzle. I wish he'd stop telling me he's available, if he's not, or if he is, get his ass in gear, and do something about the chemistry. It's driving me nuts. Another thing that'll sort itself out, I suppose.
I do like him, a lot, and can see the 2 of us having a great time together, but I've never let myself get any closer that I am, because I know he's involved. It would be really nice to find out if we'd be as good together as I think we might be. Ah well, que sera sera.
Still nothing from JC, but I'm ok with that. It's kinda annoying that I keep thinking about him, but as everything else, I suppose not contantly having him on my mind, will take a while. Here's to believing in endings.
Blessed be.