Fr!end (don't ask), wants to know what I'll be doing this weekend. So, here's what I got so far: spend as much time doing ANYTHING but thinking, and includes watching movies I wanna see, movies I don't wanna see, movies I've seen, and hopefully falling asleep during one.
I've realised that it's over (yay for me!), and that it's really over (yay for me!), and that I'm not gonna see him, or have contact with him. That doesn't stop me from waiting for the phone to ring, or the cars passing by our house to stop, or, when I turn on my phone in the mornings, to wait for the sms to come through. I know, pathetic, weak, stooooooopid!
I know. Can't help it though. I was wrong about him caring, yes. I was wrong about a lot of things, but that doesn't change how I feel. Doesn't change that I want to be with him, and doesn't stop me from thinking, and getting sad. So, the plan is to distract myself, see? Disctract myself to sleep, and then distract myself some more when I wake up. Lame plan, but the only one I got.