Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I see your lips moving, but ......

.... all I hear is white noise.

Not sure whether this is something that happens to everybody, but I have days when it seems I am moving in slow motion, while the rest of the world rushes by. It's like my mind, body and spirit has conspired to just ....cut me off. I hear people talking, I see people move, and I just don't take any of it in. Everything seems far away, like it has absolutley no bearing on me at all.

If I have to describe the feeling, it's like in those documentaries when they film someone standing in a crowd, and then edit it so it looks like the crowd is scuttling by, and this person is standing still for hours and hours.

Don't know why this happens, maybe I just get so tired, that this is a way to let myself recharge, or maybe something has subconsciousnly been so traumatic that I shut down to deal with it.

Whatever it is, feels like I'm working off-line today. I am numb.