Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Don't screw with my Filing System!

Ok, here's the thing;I like categorising things, and people, and what they are in relation to me. Eg. Friend, Partner, Family, you get the picture? This way, I know which behaviour is suited to which person - no kissing other than Happy Birthday and special holidays for Friends, no telling embarrassing secrest to Family (it'll reach them via some other source anyway, which is so much MORE FUN!) blah blah blah. Keep 'em seperate, and don't get the lines blurred, s'what I say.

"Till now, this is a theory that has worked out extremely well for me. Not so much anymore. There's this new person, Sweetie/Honey. Now, this is a file I'd like in my filing system for a long, long time, problem is, he's gonna have to have his own category, cos the bugger refuses to stick to my existing system.

Past experience taught me to place files that carry the same potential as his, under the 'Partner', or 'Potential Partner' heading (where they never stayed very long, I have to admit, before being moved to File 13) Only, he doesn't want to go there. According to him, he wants in at the 'Friend' level, which is fine, only, he sure doesn't feel like a 'Friend', and it's confusing the living crap outta me.At one moment, teasing him like only a good friend would, and the next to physically restrain myself from jumping him when he gives me those soulfull looks. Daaaaaaang!

Still, I really, really want to respect what he wants, cos what he wants makes a helluva lotta sense, and I should be able to restrain myself, shouldn't I? If only it wasn't so damn confusing. Think I may need to book an appointment at my optometrist, feel a little cross-eyed from tryin' to read all these mixed signals.