Thursday, June 07, 2007

THAT question again.

Sylvia: “Will you ever get married again?”

Sylphi: (Casting panickey glances around for the nearest exit) “Uh….. I don’t know….. mmmm….. it would have to be vlmkvhlhblgflf” (tapering off into indecipherable mumbling)

Sylvia: “Why? Was it really so bad?”

Sylphi: (Having trouble swallowing) “God yes!”

Sylvia: “There has to someone out there you’d be interested in!?”

Sylphi: (Pulls lips into smile, hoping it doesn’t look like a death grin too much)”Sure… probably… maybe not so much…. I’m not so sure….. Maybe one day, we’ll see.” (Cough! Pant!)

Sylvia seems satisfied.

Sylphi: (Wipes sweaty palms on pants, turns around and mumbles to self): “Fuck that, rather chew off my own paw!”

Grin turns into smile, chuckles to self. Exit left.