My brain, that is.
I don't understand. Here's the situation, went on an (unofficial) actual date. (Queue uproarious applause, me taking a bow). Had a very nice time, even though I was about as comfortable as a bunny in a blender (he on the other hand, had a ball, surrounded by his bestest buddies for support). I felt a definite vibe, and, for once in my life, actually put in an effort to make a guy feel that I'm comfortable with him, which I was, the brief times we were alone. He brought us (my son went with) home, and even had coffee with my mom and brother. Brave boy!
That was Sunday, we've chatted on the phone, and sent text messages to and fro, but I get the disctinct impression he doesn't want to be alone with me, when I mention doing something. Now, as I reason (and yes, my reasoning is usually a little off centre, but anyway)this could be due to 2 reasons. a)he seriously only wants to expand his social circle, or b) he's scared to be alone with me. Now, logic (again, I know, mine's a little skew) tells me if you take into account the vibes (and no, I don't think I'm so far off centre that they were my imagination) I'm going with option b). Which is where it gets muddy. And I'm too chicken to ask him. So, now I'm clueless. Even if the answer is option a), I still don't get how surrounding me with a bunch of hostiles is gonna get us anywhere near a solid friendship. EGAD! The politics of relationships have just always been a mystery to me! Aren't I (as the female) supposed to be cast in the mysterious, unsolvable role?
This morning, I sent him a message asking who I should bribe to get to see him again. See that? The cleverness of me? I'm asking him something I seriously wanna know, whilst deviously (and absolutely brilliantly, I might add) disguising it in a humourous cloak. Damn, sometimes I amaze myself. Now, I just have to scrape up the courage to cope with an answer, when I get one.
Will keep updated. (S'like a soapie, innit?)