Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Look Ma, no hands!"

They say having sex is like riding a bicycle, even if you haven't done it in A WHILE, you should be able to just get on, and do it (so to speak). Now, I kinda have my doubts about that statement. Here's why; I have not cycled anywhere, or anything, in roughly - 15 years. Now, I don't doubt the fact that I'd be able to "jump the bike", but that's where the certainty stops. I doubt that I'd be able to stay on, and get the balancing while peddling thing in synch.

And no, this is not the Issue de Jeur due to the possibility of having sex, or cycling, anytime soon.This is the Issue de Jeur due to a blog recently published by my favourite author about research. She writes a mix of horror, erotica, and mystery. The horror and mystery I'm not concerned with right now, the erotica, I am. She is married, to her second husband, and admits to doing quite a bit of 'research' with hubby. Ok, that already pushes oversharing, so the next bit, is what's got me worried. She describes the joy of being with someone you love, who loves you, and the level of comfort you reach in a relationship, as one of the main motivating factors for the amount of 'research' they do. And, with each new book (in the series) the characters push the envelope a little further. Knowing that each new scene was previously played out in a bedroom in rural USA, is worrying enough, it's her describing the humor that accompanies blikseming off the bed, during a really good rogering, that worries me. First off, you'd think that with the copious amounts of practice she gets, she'd be better at balance, don't ya? Second, if a expert like her still goes sprawling, clutching sheets and goodness knows what else - how the hell is an amateur like me gonna stay in the seat? (Proving that actually becomes an issue - one day - like in 2012 just before the earth ceases to exist, like the Mayans predicted.) Oh joy! Take that, while everone else will be staring bug-eyed at the spreading mushroom cloud, I'll be a) moaning in ecstacy, whle not falling off a bed, or b) shouting "Whoohoo! Look ma, no hands!" while bumping down the nearest road.