That's the kind of day I'm having! I got a fine, for not having my card licence with me, which was stolen, months ago. And, as ANYBODY living in SA for the past 2 months, would know, our Traffic Dept launched a new system, which has not been working for more than 5 days consecutively, since it's launch. So, this happy little story will end with me having to put in leave at work, standing in a queu from 6-o-clock (that's when the queu starts), being given a number IF I'm lucky (they only help the first 100), and then joining another queu, muttering fervent prayers to the E-NATIS gods to keep the farkin system going, untill I leave the building at around 15:30 (when the employees have helped everyone they wanted to, and leaves). Oh Joy!
Plus my farkin blogger is throwing errors every time I blog, I can't add pics, it limits the length of my blog, and I can't do any edits! I'll have to start a new blog to complain about my undevelopment in the romance area, and the confusing advice I'm getting. I'm still considering whether I have the energy to deal with that.
First song I heard on the radio this morning: "Stupid Girl". Nuff said. Sigh.