Monday, June 11, 2007

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Universal Deals!

Deal: If a certain man doesn't contact me, wholly on his own initiative, to ask me out before the end of June, I will take that as a FINAL sign that I should stay out of his life, regardless of any confusing signs he throws my way.

Reason behind deal: I am obsessing about a man I shouldn't be. He is paying attention to me, which he shouldn't be, and he's getting me depressed and wanting, which I shouldn't be.

I sure as hell hope that he does ask me out, but odds are, he won't. I know, I know, I should stay positive, which for me, is equal to asking a sea turtle to meet you on top of Kilimanjaro. Possible, but soooo not probable.
Jeeesh! I'm getting fed-up with myself! Somebody should just take me outside and shoot me already!