You know, I don't know how I miss these things, or how I all of a sudden have these flashes, but yes, another bolt struck me last night.
The Honey (formerly referred to as Sweetie), came over for dinner night before last. He got chatting with Chief Advisor about a place he'd been camping, in a gorge, and a specific spot where 2 rivers had carved the canyon and caused a current of wind to kind of rotate against the rocks (very technical, not sure I know how to explain it), and how he loved the way the wind moved in that spot. Which led to him remarking that his favourite part of a storm was the wind before the rain started (which is also my favourite part). But, I had no technical way of explaining why I like it, just how it made me feel.
He'd brought a DVD entitled "Baraka" which he'd been telling me about earlier, and Chief Advisor, Honey and I sat down to watch it. It basically is about an hour and half of images, designed and edited to show the contrast, tragedy, and destruction of the artificial "human" world vs nature. The way we control, and in the controlling, destroy, and how we end up being as cruel to ourselves as we are to nature. Some very disturbing stuff. So, chatting to CA, Honey launched into another very technical explanation of the juxtapositioning in the DVD, and how interesting he found it. Listening to him, I was thinking (kinda alarmed that I wasn't being as analytical about it) about how much it made me ache for the hurts we perpetrate, and how it pisses me off to be part of it all. When, yep, you guessed it, I GOT IT!
We were feeling the same things! Only, he was saying it in GUY talk, and I was feeling it in GIRL talk! Two totally different languages.
Ironic how it took me 3 and a half decades to really grasp that concept. Although, this doesn't change the fact that I don't understand GUY, and I don't think I really know a man with the necessary skill to learn fluent GIRL. Ah well, they say acceptance of a problem is the first step to fixin' it, I'll just hang on to that for a while. And listen to men talk more often, instead of just diving into it and letting it run down my back like a little duck.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
"Look Ma, no hands!"
They say having sex is like riding a bicycle, even if you haven't done it in A WHILE, you should be able to just get on, and do it (so to speak). Now, I kinda have my doubts about that statement. Here's why; I have not cycled anywhere, or anything, in roughly - 15 years. Now, I don't doubt the fact that I'd be able to "jump the bike", but that's where the certainty stops. I doubt that I'd be able to stay on, and get the balancing while peddling thing in synch.
And no, this is not the Issue de Jeur due to the possibility of having sex, or cycling, anytime soon.This is the Issue de Jeur due to a blog recently published by my favourite author about research. She writes a mix of horror, erotica, and mystery. The horror and mystery I'm not concerned with right now, the erotica, I am. She is married, to her second husband, and admits to doing quite a bit of 'research' with hubby. Ok, that already pushes oversharing, so the next bit, is what's got me worried. She describes the joy of being with someone you love, who loves you, and the level of comfort you reach in a relationship, as one of the main motivating factors for the amount of 'research' they do. And, with each new book (in the series) the characters push the envelope a little further. Knowing that each new scene was previously played out in a bedroom in rural USA, is worrying enough, it's her describing the humor that accompanies blikseming off the bed, during a really good rogering, that worries me. First off, you'd think that with the copious amounts of practice she gets, she'd be better at balance, don't ya? Second, if a expert like her still goes sprawling, clutching sheets and goodness knows what else - how the hell is an amateur like me gonna stay in the seat? (Proving that actually becomes an issue - one day - like in 2012 just before the earth ceases to exist, like the Mayans predicted.) Oh joy! Take that, while everone else will be staring bug-eyed at the spreading mushroom cloud, I'll be a) moaning in ecstacy, whle not falling off a bed, or b) shouting "Whoohoo! Look ma, no hands!" while bumping down the nearest road.
And no, this is not the Issue de Jeur due to the possibility of having sex, or cycling, anytime soon.This is the Issue de Jeur due to a blog recently published by my favourite author about research. She writes a mix of horror, erotica, and mystery. The horror and mystery I'm not concerned with right now, the erotica, I am. She is married, to her second husband, and admits to doing quite a bit of 'research' with hubby. Ok, that already pushes oversharing, so the next bit, is what's got me worried. She describes the joy of being with someone you love, who loves you, and the level of comfort you reach in a relationship, as one of the main motivating factors for the amount of 'research' they do. And, with each new book (in the series) the characters push the envelope a little further. Knowing that each new scene was previously played out in a bedroom in rural USA, is worrying enough, it's her describing the humor that accompanies blikseming off the bed, during a really good rogering, that worries me. First off, you'd think that with the copious amounts of practice she gets, she'd be better at balance, don't ya? Second, if a expert like her still goes sprawling, clutching sheets and goodness knows what else - how the hell is an amateur like me gonna stay in the seat? (Proving that actually becomes an issue - one day - like in 2012 just before the earth ceases to exist, like the Mayans predicted.) Oh joy! Take that, while everone else will be staring bug-eyed at the spreading mushroom cloud, I'll be a) moaning in ecstacy, whle not falling off a bed, or b) shouting "Whoohoo! Look ma, no hands!" while bumping down the nearest road.
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Sweetest Thing

I had a nice weekend, which is surprising, cos I was out of my comfort zone on a couple of occassions, but they were both good experiences. I had dinner with the Sweetie mentioned below, and there were actually no uncomfortable silences worth mentioning. As a matter of fact, I was extremely comfortable. Then, he had a late lunch with us at home on Sunday afternoon, and even though I was in a rather crappy mood, it was ok.
The one problem I do have is that he's too perceptive for my good, by far. He listens, and can actually ask questions pertinent to what I said, which totally throws me, every time. Not used to that in men, the listening thing.
Something else strange about him, we've been talking and seeing each other (not in THAT way) for a week and a half now, on an almost daily basis (at least chatting) and I have never spent this amount of time in a straight guy's company, without him making some kind of sexual overture (or remark about my appearance). Never, I swear. And, at first, that bugged me, I was worried that maybe he didn't find me attractive, you know, the usual insecurities rearing their fugly heads. Now, I kinda appreciate it, it makes me feel safer and less pressured, like I can be a little more vulnerable that I usually let myself be, and I like it!
So, to the anonymous angel that helped him reach me: "Thank you darlin', my gratitude for bringing a much needed sweet interlude my way. I sure hope he stays."
Friday, June 22, 2007
Kay, he gave me a happy birthday kiss, had coffee and sour tart (no time now), brought me two bunches of the most gorgeous white lilies, and left. Not in the abovmentioned order. Did say we should do something this weekend, and yes, I said yes, (see "Then my brain flew away" blog below). So, we'll see what happens, shall we? I am cautiously optimistic.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
And down it came to earth, and plonked into a puddle......
My brain, that is.
I don't understand. Here's the situation, went on an (unofficial) actual date. (Queue uproarious applause, me taking a bow). Had a very nice time, even though I was about as comfortable as a bunny in a blender (he on the other hand, had a ball, surrounded by his bestest buddies for support). I felt a definite vibe, and, for once in my life, actually put in an effort to make a guy feel that I'm comfortable with him, which I was, the brief times we were alone. He brought us (my son went with) home, and even had coffee with my mom and brother. Brave boy!
That was Sunday, we've chatted on the phone, and sent text messages to and fro, but I get the disctinct impression he doesn't want to be alone with me, when I mention doing something. Now, as I reason (and yes, my reasoning is usually a little off centre, but anyway)this could be due to 2 reasons. a)he seriously only wants to expand his social circle, or b) he's scared to be alone with me. Now, logic (again, I know, mine's a little skew) tells me if you take into account the vibes (and no, I don't think I'm so far off centre that they were my imagination) I'm going with option b). Which is where it gets muddy. And I'm too chicken to ask him. So, now I'm clueless. Even if the answer is option a), I still don't get how surrounding me with a bunch of hostiles is gonna get us anywhere near a solid friendship. EGAD! The politics of relationships have just always been a mystery to me! Aren't I (as the female) supposed to be cast in the mysterious, unsolvable role?
This morning, I sent him a message asking who I should bribe to get to see him again. See that? The cleverness of me? I'm asking him something I seriously wanna know, whilst deviously (and absolutely brilliantly, I might add) disguising it in a humourous cloak. Damn, sometimes I amaze myself. Now, I just have to scrape up the courage to cope with an answer, when I get one.
Will keep updated. (S'like a soapie, innit?)
I don't understand. Here's the situation, went on an (unofficial) actual date. (Queue uproarious applause, me taking a bow). Had a very nice time, even though I was about as comfortable as a bunny in a blender (he on the other hand, had a ball, surrounded by his bestest buddies for support). I felt a definite vibe, and, for once in my life, actually put in an effort to make a guy feel that I'm comfortable with him, which I was, the brief times we were alone. He brought us (my son went with) home, and even had coffee with my mom and brother. Brave boy!
That was Sunday, we've chatted on the phone, and sent text messages to and fro, but I get the disctinct impression he doesn't want to be alone with me, when I mention doing something. Now, as I reason (and yes, my reasoning is usually a little off centre, but anyway)this could be due to 2 reasons. a)he seriously only wants to expand his social circle, or b) he's scared to be alone with me. Now, logic (again, I know, mine's a little skew) tells me if you take into account the vibes (and no, I don't think I'm so far off centre that they were my imagination) I'm going with option b). Which is where it gets muddy. And I'm too chicken to ask him. So, now I'm clueless. Even if the answer is option a), I still don't get how surrounding me with a bunch of hostiles is gonna get us anywhere near a solid friendship. EGAD! The politics of relationships have just always been a mystery to me! Aren't I (as the female) supposed to be cast in the mysterious, unsolvable role?
This morning, I sent him a message asking who I should bribe to get to see him again. See that? The cleverness of me? I'm asking him something I seriously wanna know, whilst deviously (and absolutely brilliantly, I might add) disguising it in a humourous cloak. Damn, sometimes I amaze myself. Now, I just have to scrape up the courage to cope with an answer, when I get one.
Will keep updated. (S'like a soapie, innit?)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
And then my Brain just flew away .......

I have trouble holding the gaze, cos it feels like it goes deeper than is confortable. Like it sees more than I'm willing to show. It makes me shy. It makes me wanna cuddle up to him, and hide my face against his neck. It makes me forget what he was asking, and I nod, or say yes, even though what I'm agreeing to, is a complete blank. Like, for moment, my mind slips, and the rational me just flits away, chittering happily.
I am in such deep shit.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
You are cordially invited to a Pity Party
My birthday’s coming up, Goddamnit! I HATE my own birthday, always have, ever since cake frosting lost it’s attraction at 6. Seriously, I would prefer to just skip that day each year, and pretend it doesn’t exist.
Initially I hated it because, for this one day, people, related and not so, who normally walk over me on the sidewalk, without so much as a glance, love me. They talk to me in syrupy, disgusting voices, and pretend like they give a shit. Also, my father calls, imparts what he believes is a ‘life-lesson’ for the next 12 months (in the hopes that his wayward child will see the error of her ways, and turn to him for guidance), in roughly 30 unnerving, unnatural, never-ending, seconds, then hangs up. Oh joy!
As if that isn’t enough reason to hate the day, recently, say the last 5 years or so, my depression’s deepened cos of the unavoidable reflective mood that dawns with the day.
Where did I want to be at this age? With 3 or 4 happy kids, a husband who loves and respects me, financially secure, and doing something I feel passionate about, something that puts me close to the earth, and nature. Where am I at this age? Sad, because my only child is turning 6, a financially struggling, lonely, single mom, doing a job that is about as stimulating as taking a piss, living in a rented house I can’t actually afford, and driving around in a dependable, but ancient, little jalopy. And, for good measure, I can see absolutely no change in any of these factors in my future.
I DID NOT CHOOSE THIS!!!!!! I DO NOT WANT THIS!!!!!!! I was a young woman, trying to forge a life for herself, why did it all have to get so screwed up? Why am I the lonely one, when so many other people I know, who are always in relationships, cheats, lies, sleeps around, abuses, steals, beats one another? I did none of that. I TRIED, DAMN IT, I TRIED SO HARD. I did nothing to warrant this end-product, except be the only person I can be, myself.
This makes me wanna swear. It makes me VERY ANGRY. It makes me VERY SAD. It makes me wanna SCREAM, loudly, and until I run out of breath. It makes all the muscles in my shoulders and neck turn rock-hard, and painful. It makes me unable to sleep at night. It makes me cry.
Initially I hated it because, for this one day, people, related and not so, who normally walk over me on the sidewalk, without so much as a glance, love me. They talk to me in syrupy, disgusting voices, and pretend like they give a shit. Also, my father calls, imparts what he believes is a ‘life-lesson’ for the next 12 months (in the hopes that his wayward child will see the error of her ways, and turn to him for guidance), in roughly 30 unnerving, unnatural, never-ending, seconds, then hangs up. Oh joy!
As if that isn’t enough reason to hate the day, recently, say the last 5 years or so, my depression’s deepened cos of the unavoidable reflective mood that dawns with the day.
Where did I want to be at this age? With 3 or 4 happy kids, a husband who loves and respects me, financially secure, and doing something I feel passionate about, something that puts me close to the earth, and nature. Where am I at this age? Sad, because my only child is turning 6, a financially struggling, lonely, single mom, doing a job that is about as stimulating as taking a piss, living in a rented house I can’t actually afford, and driving around in a dependable, but ancient, little jalopy. And, for good measure, I can see absolutely no change in any of these factors in my future.
I DID NOT CHOOSE THIS!!!!!! I DO NOT WANT THIS!!!!!!! I was a young woman, trying to forge a life for herself, why did it all have to get so screwed up? Why am I the lonely one, when so many other people I know, who are always in relationships, cheats, lies, sleeps around, abuses, steals, beats one another? I did none of that. I TRIED, DAMN IT, I TRIED SO HARD. I did nothing to warrant this end-product, except be the only person I can be, myself.
This makes me wanna swear. It makes me VERY ANGRY. It makes me VERY SAD. It makes me wanna SCREAM, loudly, and until I run out of breath. It makes all the muscles in my shoulders and neck turn rock-hard, and painful. It makes me unable to sleep at night. It makes me cry.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Last Friday's Blog that wouldn't publish
Since yesterday, I have been tearing up continually. Getting dressed, driving to work, waiting at traffic lights, reading e-mails, sending e-mails, chatting to random people on the phone, preparing dinner, watching tv, taking a bath. I find myself fluttering my eyelids trying to not let the fluid accumulate enough to actually form a drop.
No reason, no strange, sad happenings. Just wanna cry, and cry, and cry, and sob. I sure hope I don’t meet up with someone like TC before this feelings dies down, I might just jump in his arms, and express my unexplained grief on his work shirt. Not good.
No reason, no strange, sad happenings. Just wanna cry, and cry, and cry, and sob. I sure hope I don’t meet up with someone like TC before this feelings dies down, I might just jump in his arms, and express my unexplained grief on his work shirt. Not good.
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Universal Deals!
Deal: If a certain man doesn't contact me, wholly on his own initiative, to ask me out before the end of June, I will take that as a FINAL sign that I should stay out of his life, regardless of any confusing signs he throws my way.
Reason behind deal: I am obsessing about a man I shouldn't be. He is paying attention to me, which he shouldn't be, and he's getting me depressed and wanting, which I shouldn't be.
I sure as hell hope that he does ask me out, but odds are, he won't. I know, I know, I should stay positive, which for me, is equal to asking a sea turtle to meet you on top of Kilimanjaro. Possible, but soooo not probable.
Jeeesh! I'm getting fed-up with myself! Somebody should just take me outside and shoot me already!
Reason behind deal: I am obsessing about a man I shouldn't be. He is paying attention to me, which he shouldn't be, and he's getting me depressed and wanting, which I shouldn't be.
I sure as hell hope that he does ask me out, but odds are, he won't. I know, I know, I should stay positive, which for me, is equal to asking a sea turtle to meet you on top of Kilimanjaro. Possible, but soooo not probable.
Jeeesh! I'm getting fed-up with myself! Somebody should just take me outside and shoot me already!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
THAT question again.
Sylvia: “Will you ever get married again?”
Sylphi: (Casting panickey glances around for the nearest exit) “Uh….. I don’t know….. mmmm….. it would have to be vlmkvhlhblgflf” (tapering off into indecipherable mumbling)
Sylvia: “Why? Was it really so bad?”
Sylphi: (Having trouble swallowing) “God yes!”
Sylvia: “There has to someone out there you’d be interested in!?”
Sylphi: (Pulls lips into smile, hoping it doesn’t look like a death grin too much)”Sure… probably… maybe not so much…. I’m not so sure….. Maybe one day, we’ll see.” (Cough! Pant!)
Sylvia seems satisfied.
Sylphi: (Wipes sweaty palms on pants, turns around and mumbles to self): “Fuck that, rather chew off my own paw!”
Grin turns into smile, chuckles to self. Exit left.
Sylphi: (Casting panickey glances around for the nearest exit) “Uh….. I don’t know….. mmmm….. it would have to be vlmkvhlhblgflf” (tapering off into indecipherable mumbling)
Sylvia: “Why? Was it really so bad?”
Sylphi: (Having trouble swallowing) “God yes!”
Sylvia: “There has to someone out there you’d be interested in!?”
Sylphi: (Pulls lips into smile, hoping it doesn’t look like a death grin too much)”Sure… probably… maybe not so much…. I’m not so sure….. Maybe one day, we’ll see.” (Cough! Pant!)
Sylvia seems satisfied.
Sylphi: (Wipes sweaty palms on pants, turns around and mumbles to self): “Fuck that, rather chew off my own paw!”
Grin turns into smile, chuckles to self. Exit left.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
That's the kind of day I'm having! I got a fine, for not having my card licence with me, which was stolen, months ago. And, as ANYBODY living in SA for the past 2 months, would know, our Traffic Dept launched a new system, which has not been working for more than 5 days consecutively, since it's launch. So, this happy little story will end with me having to put in leave at work, standing in a queu from 6-o-clock (that's when the queu starts), being given a number IF I'm lucky (they only help the first 100), and then joining another queu, muttering fervent prayers to the E-NATIS gods to keep the farkin system going, untill I leave the building at around 15:30 (when the employees have helped everyone they wanted to, and leaves). Oh Joy!
Plus my farkin blogger is throwing errors every time I blog, I can't add pics, it limits the length of my blog, and I can't do any edits! I'll have to start a new blog to complain about my undevelopment in the romance area, and the confusing advice I'm getting. I'm still considering whether I have the energy to deal with that.
First song I heard on the radio this morning: "Stupid Girl". Nuff said. Sigh.
Plus my farkin blogger is throwing errors every time I blog, I can't add pics, it limits the length of my blog, and I can't do any edits! I'll have to start a new blog to complain about my undevelopment in the romance area, and the confusing advice I'm getting. I'm still considering whether I have the energy to deal with that.
First song I heard on the radio this morning: "Stupid Girl". Nuff said. Sigh.
The Order of Things
What went before…..
TC. I have left TC alone for months now, trying to do the morally right thing, and all. Last week, he notices me chatting with the nicotine junkies in the basement, and stops to chat a bit. Later same day, he shows up IN MY DEPARTMENT, which does NOT happen, EVER. I’m on my way home, so I get my stuff, walk over to him, leans into him, and stage-whispers: “Let’s go home.” He hugs me to his side, and marches me out, mid-conversation with someone else. Which I thought was a little strange. We take the elevator, which he never does, he forgets to push his floor’s button, which I find a little strange. On the way to the parking basement he grills me on who the “new love” is in my life, why I’m dressing nicely lately, what I’m doing the weekend, etc etc. He notices we’ve stopped on the wrong floor and comments on it. I put on a sulky face and tell him: “But I thought you were coming home with me!” He grabs my shoulder and tells me “as if I need an invitation!” Let’s go, and practically runs for the stairs, shouting at me to enjoy my weekend over his shoulder. He reacted very teenage-boy-with-a-bad-case-of- hormones-ish, which I thought was I little strange.
The Solution
I tell my Chief Advisor about it, she tells me to leave it alone, and let TC make the next move, seeing as how he’s the one involved in a relationship. Being the masochistic, politically-correct wuss I am, I agree.
The Confusion
Chief Advisor and I drive Sister to the airport, and as Sister is wont to do, she enquires about my sex life, needing to lift her sad mood a little, and knowing my ventures into the Romance arena are always worth a laugh. I mention TC, knowing the situation will be found immensely amusing, and gets (apart from the laughs) a lecture on how he’s technically still game, as he’s not married, and that I should at the very least have an affair with him, he might even leave her for me! And the most mind-fryingest part, Chief Advisor agreeing! Now, Sister is not the bestest of Good Girls any day of the week, and makes no appology for it. But for Chief Ad to agree! Eyes bugged, head fried, ligaments popped! CA is the ORIGINAL Good Girl, as far as men go, she does not even smile at a man if he’s attached in any way, and here she is, agreeing with Sister that I should set out to rip someone else’s heart out, piss all over her future, and hopefully, get her thrown out of her home!
The order of the Universe shifts a little.
So, I do nothing, which is my solution for everything confusing, basically. I do believe that TC feels the attraction between us, he would have to be pretty daft not to. But, and it’s pretty big one, he’s a Libra. I LOOOOOOOVE most Libra men, don’t get me wrong, but let’s face it, they are damn indecisive, and very hesitant to take risks, specially if something looks at the surface not to fit the role they want it to. Which I don’t, status- ambition- and -presentation wise. So, I have no illusions about him, we’re very attracted to each other, but that’s that, he’s too much of a chicken to let her go, and take a chance on me (is that Abba echoing in the background?), and I’m too much of a fowl to try and seduce him, as Sister suggests. So there you have it, 2 chickens, scratching around our own little patches, peeping at each other, drooling from afar. Oh joy! Self-inflicted torture, everything’s right in my world again.
TC. I have left TC alone for months now, trying to do the morally right thing, and all. Last week, he notices me chatting with the nicotine junkies in the basement, and stops to chat a bit. Later same day, he shows up IN MY DEPARTMENT, which does NOT happen, EVER. I’m on my way home, so I get my stuff, walk over to him, leans into him, and stage-whispers: “Let’s go home.” He hugs me to his side, and marches me out, mid-conversation with someone else. Which I thought was a little strange. We take the elevator, which he never does, he forgets to push his floor’s button, which I find a little strange. On the way to the parking basement he grills me on who the “new love” is in my life, why I’m dressing nicely lately, what I’m doing the weekend, etc etc. He notices we’ve stopped on the wrong floor and comments on it. I put on a sulky face and tell him: “But I thought you were coming home with me!” He grabs my shoulder and tells me “as if I need an invitation!” Let’s go, and practically runs for the stairs, shouting at me to enjoy my weekend over his shoulder. He reacted very teenage-boy-with-a-bad-case-of- hormones-ish, which I thought was I little strange.
The Solution
I tell my Chief Advisor about it, she tells me to leave it alone, and let TC make the next move, seeing as how he’s the one involved in a relationship. Being the masochistic, politically-correct wuss I am, I agree.
The Confusion
Chief Advisor and I drive Sister to the airport, and as Sister is wont to do, she enquires about my sex life, needing to lift her sad mood a little, and knowing my ventures into the Romance arena are always worth a laugh. I mention TC, knowing the situation will be found immensely amusing, and gets (apart from the laughs) a lecture on how he’s technically still game, as he’s not married, and that I should at the very least have an affair with him, he might even leave her for me! And the most mind-fryingest part, Chief Advisor agreeing! Now, Sister is not the bestest of Good Girls any day of the week, and makes no appology for it. But for Chief Ad to agree! Eyes bugged, head fried, ligaments popped! CA is the ORIGINAL Good Girl, as far as men go, she does not even smile at a man if he’s attached in any way, and here she is, agreeing with Sister that I should set out to rip someone else’s heart out, piss all over her future, and hopefully, get her thrown out of her home!
The order of the Universe shifts a little.
So, I do nothing, which is my solution for everything confusing, basically. I do believe that TC feels the attraction between us, he would have to be pretty daft not to. But, and it’s pretty big one, he’s a Libra. I LOOOOOOOVE most Libra men, don’t get me wrong, but let’s face it, they are damn indecisive, and very hesitant to take risks, specially if something looks at the surface not to fit the role they want it to. Which I don’t, status- ambition- and -presentation wise. So, I have no illusions about him, we’re very attracted to each other, but that’s that, he’s too much of a chicken to let her go, and take a chance on me (is that Abba echoing in the background?), and I’m too much of a fowl to try and seduce him, as Sister suggests. So there you have it, 2 chickens, scratching around our own little patches, peeping at each other, drooling from afar. Oh joy! Self-inflicted torture, everything’s right in my world again.
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