Friday, February 22, 2008

Enough With The Endings Already!!

According to Numerology (and yes, I do believe in that crap!), 2008 is both year of endings, and one of new beginnings for me. I am at the end of a 9 year cycle, and supposedly embarking on the next 9 year cycle.

Now, according to various different sources (astrology, my heart etc etc), I’m hoping to start a brand new day, and phase of my life, one that will be a little brighter, one that would allow me a little happiness, this time around. Cos, let’s be frank, the previous 9 years, sucked Donkey Dick. And I mean BIG TIME!

So far, the endings are coming fast and furious, but there ain’t no joyous sunrises, sista. Sooooo many endings, sooooo many dreams that just ….deflated, and ….ended.
They've just gone, with nothing positive to replace them. Just me, stuck with these huge gaps, like a building that’s had parts of it blown off, so you can see living rooms, and staircases that just stops, mid-air.

Its gotten so bad, I’ve taken to wondering why I even bother eating healthy, why I don’t drink, why I don’t pop a pill every day. I mean, if this is it, then what the fuck is the use?

So, I am officially requesting an ending to the endings. Or alternatively, an actual happy new beginning, for once. Jaybus C Hrist, for ONCE, just frigging ONCE! Just. Once.