When I was small, forever and ever ago, I used to watch a program on SA’s then (and now) very limited broadcasting system, called “Oscar in Asblikland”. Oscar was a hand puppet more or less resembling a very spastic bunny, who inhabited Asblikland, or Trash Can Land. Now Oscar was a very sweet, if a little airheaded bunny, very content in Trash Can Land, 'cept for the times his arch nemesis, Knersus, tried to eat him. Knersus was a Pteradactyl (or whatever the most recent archeological name is for a flying dinosaur) with dentures. He had about 5 or more pairs of dentures, and these he used to keep hanging on a clothes line. Freaky thing is, the sets of teeth would chat to each other in different voices, mostly about the next plot to masticate Oscar.
Now, I can’t exactly recall how old I was, but it was probably around 7 or so, and believe you me, NUFFING in my life has ever freaked me out as badly as those teeth, and Knersus, staggering around kinda drunkenly, shouting "Waar's daai Hasie?!" ("Where's that bunny?!") . I very vividly remember hiding behind the nearest couch, or getting that ass-tingling feeling you get when you are hauling it as fast as you can, with your older sister on your tail intent on pounding you to a pulp. Knersus freaked me out, and I’m willing to lay down good money, if I ever saw that program again, I’d end up with my ass sticking out from behind the nearest solid object. Some things just scar a kid for life, like talking dino-dentures on a clothes line. Man!