Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hey, check it out you Guys! I’m on a roll!!

I am having the most amazing run of tragedy. I’m telling you, this has to be a new record, even for me! In the past 3 weeks:

1)My finances suck donkey ear (longer than 3 weeks, but let’s move along swiftly).
2)My lovelife has been buried.
3)My fridge caught fridge flu, died, can’t be fixed (see 1).
4)My car got broken into (fourth time in 2 years), lock broken, can’t be fixed (see 1).
5)My one and only pair of decent shades, now shield the eyes of a “less fortunate” criminal.

And, tah-dah –

6)The clincher of the decade: My baby, the reason I breathe, has been convinced (by his ***** of a father) that he wants to go live with them. Not exactly a monumental feat when you have to convince a 6-year old!

And, guess what, The Fother and wife #2, have made this ‘deal’ with my Baby, without ANY discussions between us ‘responsible’ adults. How brilliant is that?

I won’t stop him, I adore my son, and I realise that he needs his father too, but my mind refuses to go to a place where he is not with me every day, so I’m not thinking about that, I’m convinced my chest will immediately seize allowing air in and out of it, if I did. BUT, and this is one HUGE BUT. He has ADHD, (like the Fother) and consequently, in my house, we kinda work with that as starting point. No white bread, no carbonised cold drinks, lots of fruit and veggies, if he has to have sweets, no red colouring, or sweets with less sugar than most, jellies ets. He takes a supplement that has had good results in kids with ADHD. Take-aways only on special occasions. Milk from growth-hormone free cows. I try to keep him away from the tv as much as possible, we read together, we buy kids mags to stimulate his mind. Have him run around outside so he actually sleeps. Very little red meat, rather fish & chicken. Stuff like that.

The Fother (although I have had numerous discussions wit him about this), feeds him processed meats, ONLY white bread, ONLY red meat, for school lunches he gets a store bought meat pie, if he’s lucky. He has chips, cold drinks and watches DVD’s until he worries about getting square eyes (which is what happens when you watch too much tv, in case you didn’t know). Their teenage daughter tells him monster stories, and about sex. They teach him (OMG I HATE this) “BOYS DON’T CRY”, and that he needs to be a clown to get attention, cause the Fother cannot concentrate on his son for anything longer than 5 minutes at a time. Drinking is ‘normal’ in the house, and their social circle.

You know what? I am amazed that I am still able to use my brain in a rational manner, I am exhausted. Feels like I’m on a hitlist, and I’m just postponing the inevitable by trying to breathe. I am tired of keeping heartbreak at bay. Tired. Bring it on already, get it over with. The sooner I break, the sooner I get to see what’s left.