I work a spell, not planned, it just happens, and I know it is strong because I can hardly move afterward. My legs are shaky, and my body tingles. I send out a call, I make it specific to one person, like a homing beacon.
I lay, waiting for sleep. I feel the movement of air on my cheek, I pay no attention. Is the window open? I don't remember, and I sure ain't gonna check now. The air stills. I feel it move again, it stills again. I realise, it's a breath. Someone is breathing on my cheek, and I am not asleep. My eyes open. I am alone in my bed, but someone is breathing against my cheek. The breath is cool, and steady, and sweet. I am not scared. I am comforted. The air around me moves, like someone shifting into a more comfortable position, and the breath shifts a little closer to my temple. I stop wondering, settle into the comfort, and fall asleep. I sleep deeply, and wake rested.
I wake, the breath is gone. Against my eyelids I see ..... the outline of a man, his legs are not there, it's like he moves like a rolling cloud. How do I explain this? He is huge, and moves like nothing can stop him, with purpose, and a steady, rolling motion that feels no obstacles. He just comes. And I know, he's coming for me! And I say, it's about friggin' time, get here NOW! And he just keeps coming, not pausing, not looking anywhere but at me, staring, fixed. I call, I tell him he's taken too long. I'm excited, and it's real. He's coming, he's coming.