Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dissecting Dreams

I am looking for wine with two other people. It seems like somewhere in Europe, but I don't know where, since I've never been. We go from home to home, knowing that these folk make their own wine, but every winemaker tells us, it's all sold. Finally we arrive at a house with a cirular cement 'tank' buried in the back garden, the wine maker tell us, 'yes, there's a little left, go scoop it out of the tank'. We arrive at the tank, and remove the lid, in the very bottom is a few litres of white (not red) wine. But, there are also little lizard bodies floating in the wine. What upsets me is that they are all albino white, the wine's acidity has burned off their skins. Suddenly, I notice that 2 of the horrible little ghost lizards are still alive. I fish them out, but when I want to put them in the garden, I hesitate because I'm worried that the sun will burn their little skinless bodies. - Dream Ends -

Obviously, I'm trying to find something, I think within myself. The shape of the tank and the fact that it's fluid I'm looking for, could be interpreted as me looking for an emotional aspect of myself. The fact that the colour of the wine was a surprise is weird, though. I expected red, which is the colour representing passion, and instead got white, which generally represents purity. So, the fact that I found it, is good, it means that I still have the capacity to feel that emotion. The live lizards? I'm thinking that they represent something I thought had died in myself, but now that I've found it, I'm worried that if I 'expose' that aspect, it might be rejected or not be acceptable to others. Interesting, don't ya think?