Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Valentine's Grinch

I feel a little like I'm sure the Grinch must feel at Christmas time. Like I want to snarl and growl at anybody who looks remotely romantic today. Yep, it's THAT day, fucking Valentine's Day. Never been able to get the reason we celebrate the death of a Catholic saint centuries ago (I think) by proclaiming undying love, and buying underwear.

Then again, I've never been the girl who has so many admirers that you have to step over the flowers to get to her. Nope, I was always the one the weird guys sent smarmy, geeky cards to. The kind you're scared to open cos the envelope's kinda sticky. That's me.

Hate it! Hate it! People who, all year round, treat each other like they're enemies or servants, rather than lovers, all of a sudden get soooooo carried away that they just HAVE to buy horendous, unimaginative Hallmark Cards, and chocolate, that yesterday cost R20, and is today, R80. And don't even get me started on red roses!

On the other hand, here's a little poem for all the rose-buyers:

Red roses, red roses
you've all got brown noses.

Mwua! Luv u 2!