Thursday, February 08, 2007


I realise that I complain a lot on this blog. It's my blog, so if you don't like it, check the worry in my eye. Furthermore, my opinion of males is just that, MY opinion. I am not saying that what I believe is the truth set in stone, nor do I preach hatred of the entire male segment of humanity. The things I blog about are things that drive me nuts, and experiences in MY life, that have made me very wary of men.

I am desperately hoping that I will be proven wrong, and that a true MAN, MY definition of a MAN, does exist. And that I may one day meet him, recognise him, and share my life with him. Until that miracle (I typed that with a sneer on my face, just so you know) happens, I will continue to blog about my life the way it is, and not the way it might have been in some politically-correct wonderland. I'm told it helps to talk, so this is it, I'm talking!

Please note that I am NOT appologising for the facts as they are in my life, if you can't deal with that, boo-hoo, and TOUGH SHIT!