Monday, December 03, 2007

Dream of Deliverance

I am standing in what appears to be a bath room, with another person, sex unknown, who is holding a baby, around 18 months old.

Suddenly, the floor starts flooding, rapidly. The water level rises incredibly fast, and when it reaches hip height, the other person gets panicky about getting out. I calmly take the child from him/her, turn around, and start wading through the house, heading for the front door. By now the water is making it difficult to move, and keeps rising. I reach the front room with the water forcing me to swim, and keeping mine and the very quiet baby’s heads, above it. When I reach the closed door, the water engulfs us, and I struggle to open the door.

I finally get it open, only to see a glass door in front of it, blocking the water from going out. I realise that it’s a matter of time before the pressure takes care of the glass for me, and turn my back in preparation. The door implodes suddenly, shooting shards into the water, instead of to the outside, and we’re rushed outside on a current of clear water.

I am exhausted, but very calm. Medical personnel show up, and I hand them the still quiet baby, and turn my back to show them the 2 shards of glass sticking out.

Somehow I know that one room in the house was filled with people, and that they are all dead. I am not sad, I am relieved that we made it through.

TAFKA Chief Advisor’s analysis:
Clear water, as opposed to murky or muddy, is good. So, the water is an issue I am dealing with, that I am capable of dealing with, but that I experience as a build-up of pressure (swimming through rising water). When the resolution comes (glass door shattering) it may be violent, but it will lead to resolution. The baby represents a new beginning, which I desire and, ultimately will have. Dead people may represent those in my life now, that will not have space in the new, and that I will not mourn their loss, but accept it as part of the order of things.

Ok, then. Bring it.