Thursday, December 20, 2007

Aww fuck! There goes the neighbourhood.

I live in the proud, New South Africa. I love my country, and cannot imagine myself lifting roots, and pissing off somewhere else.


Political tragedy has come to pass. The possibility that we are getting a rapist, fraud endorsing, crook as president, is now very real. Scares the shit out of me, and makes me ashamed of the mentality of – apparently – the majority of South Africans. Shame on us all, that a man like that even managed to get as high up the corporate ladder as he has. No good can come of this. The man is a Neanderthal, with charisma. Sadly, there goes the past 13 years of babysteps in the right direction.

Bad, bad, bad for my country.

Update: Drove past a van this morning with the slogan “Africa shall be saved” screaming at me. Well, all right then. Phew! I was worried.