Monday, November 26, 2007

Symptoms of a Life Severely Out of Whack

Insomnia (or rather worse than usual, insomnia);
Waking up in excruciating pain due to a cramping neck;
Having to think good thoughts to keep a threatening asthma attack at bay in the middle of the night, after 12 years of being asthma free;
Not having slept for a new record of almost two weeks;
Having dead eyes, when they used to be described as ‘gleaming devilishly’;
Not being able to look at own toes due to a painfully stiff neck;
Bursting into tears without provocation;
Finding your face unusually line-free due to expressionlessness;
Wondering what on earth you were thinking when you bought sexy underwear six months ago (since no-one’s ever gonna see it);
Finding affectionate touch from people annoying, when you used to crave it;
Still going to sleep wishing that it’s the last time you ever have to close your eyes.