Which seems to be what I'm having. I think I might be feeling the way people in institutions feel, once they've accepted the fact that they've lost society's plot and start having fun with the 'crazy'.
Feeling permanently upbeat (you know I have trouble typing that, scared it might get frightened and go away), is kinda nice. Not being cheerful by nature ( I'm a 'half empty' kinda gal) this is a pleasant diversion.
People tend to be drawn to me much more when I hum while hopping down the stairs, or take in a ninja stance when they approach (with appropriate haia sounds), than the usual smile-without-the-eyes face I have. Why, in the last week I've re-established contact with 2 long lost friends, and they didn't even know about the Indian Summer In The Head! Plus, I've gained a new friend, without doing anything more than e-mailing a joke to another friend.
So, I've decided I like this! Being cheerful is apparently, a look that works for me. Plus, the longer you actually maintain it, the easier it gets. Bonus!
Doesn't do much for the over stressed hormones, but meh...... I can handle that! (Said with hand tapping furiously on wooden table and crazy, shifty eyes!)