Thing is, I don’t really know how to describe the way I feel lately. I know what it feels like to be in ‘holding pattern’ – this ain’t it. I know what despairing feels like – this ain’t it. I know what numbness feels like – this ain’t it. I know what anticipation feels like – this ain’t it.
You think a puddle of mercury can have ripples? I feel like a puddle of mercury. Heavy and quiet.
And like the only thing that can disturb me, is my own impatience. Everywhere I turn for advice, signs, whatever, I get: “Be patient”. Fuckit. This is not one of my character strengths. I can be patient, but Geasus, it takes so LONG. I feel like I’m perpetually sitting with my foot tapping under the table, shifting position, then facing the window, then the aisle, muttering under my breath, “I can be patient, I can be patient, I can be….. FAAAAAAARK….. I can be patient, I can be ………………… Geasus, Mary and Josephus, I can be fuckin’ PATIENT…………..
(That last bit was me running away screaming.)