Just had to write this one down! I was on the back of a bakkie (pick-up, in US talk), with a few other unidentified individuals, driving around, when we stopped on a farm, two oldish (gentle)men (looking kinda trailer-park-ish, if we're staying with the American theme) stepped out from somewhere, accompanied by a HUGE brown dog. Huge, as in, face-level with me, sitting on the back of the bakkie, huge.
And, boy, was it ever pissed! Growling, foaming at the mouth, looking and sounding extremely threatening. I'm not sure what it did to justify my behaviour, but, still sitting on the bakkie, I gave the dog a 'snot klap', which is a very scientific term for a very hard slap, on the nose. Next thing, the giant dog turns it's furious I-will-swallow-you-whole face, into a puppy face, and decides that it adores me. So, I jump off the bakkie, and the dog immediately attaches it to my side, where it stays as I stroll around, my hand on it's head, which reaches my shoulder. (Like I said - BIG DOG). It is affectionate and sweet and loving to me, and the 2 guys it belonged to, are simply amazed. I, on the other hand, love the dog right back, and it's like we've been together forever. We proceed to explore the abosolutely beautiful jungle-like forest on the farm together. Hand on head. Connected by more than just the physical.
Nice dream, if a little strange.