Monday, January 28, 2008

Hi, my name is Sylphi, and I’m an Obsessive Compulsive

I count stuff, add stuff, divide stuff, drive myself bonkers, in short. I obsessively ponder past relationships, and never never ever give up on “why did this happen”, “why did that happen”, even though it has NO relevance on where I am currently. I hash over all 4 my major past relationships on a daily basis. I can tell you exactly how many ‘s’, ‘r’s, and t’s there are on the notice behind the toilet door. And when driving behind a car, give me 2 minutes, and I’ll tell you what the registration plate adds up to, or make a word with the letters. I know, it’s silly. But, it bugs the shit out of me.

Not many people know that I spend a good deal of my time on meaningless, distracting, repetative actions. Told TAFKN Chief Advisor once. “MM, good for enhancing your math abilities” she says. And I’m thinking, ooh, great take on a mental disorder, I gotta remember that!

Actually, today I was gonna blog about my aching joints, to be precise my aching right shoulder and hip joints. But, upon being told by TAF…Chief Advisor that this is due to a feeling of being unloved (as stated by a well-known spiritually minded guru), I changed my mind. Cos, it just rang too true, and frankly, I ain’t in the mood for the whole emotional analysis thingie.

So, my OCD is what you got instead. Lucky you.