Monday, January 14, 2008

Greetings from the Goddess

I haven’t blogged in quite a while, and I have no legitimate reasons for it. Just haven’t had that much to gripe about, I guess. And no, I'm not referring to myself in the title, read on, and all will become clear.

As I’ve decided that this is going to be a MUCH better year than last, I’m determined not to give in to the blues I inspire in myself, so easily. So far, it’s going well. ‘Cept for today, today I’m too tired to be cheery…… Feels like I didn’t sleep at all. Though I probably did, but not much. Part insomnia, part restless brain, BIG part mosquito party on any of my exposed limbage.

What never ceases to amaze me, is the extent to which me being in a good space, affects the people around me. And I don’t only mean the people in my immediate vicinity. I’m talking about people like JC, and Internet friends that I’ve stopped contact with mooooooooonths ago, all of a sudden try to make contact again. It’s just too strange to be co-incidental. I’ve had sms’s from JC three times this year already! Which is probably the same amount as the whole of last year!! Weird, but nice weird.

Had a strange little encounter with a snake the other day: I was fiddling with a climber I planted by my front door, trying to get it to go up a pillar it doesn’t like. Stepping back, I noticed a snake, placidly eyeing me, about 10 centimetres from where I’d just been fiddling. Now, as is programmed into most mammals with a bit of sense, snakes scare me, but, I usually fight the urge to DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY that most people get, because I also respect them greatly. They are beautiful, remarkable creatures. So, I screamed like a banshee and summoned TAFKA Chief Advisor to the scene, grabbed a stick and we proceeded to remove the snake from the yard, as gently as possible. When it was safely on the other side of the fence, and being encouraged (rather artlessly with said stick) to move slither into the grasses, it hissed and showed off a beautiful pitch black palate. Not good for the nerves, but gorgeous. Turns out, it was most probably a “Eiervreter” (Egg Eater), non-venomous. Now, I’ve been wondering about this, and checked out what the symbolism behind a snake would be, which is, wait for it……… Rebirth, the shedding of old skin/ lives and starting afresh. Now isn’t that a beautiful message? Snakes are associated with the Archetypal Goddess, the one from before all religions, because of the way women were seen as magical beings, who could bleed and not die, and give birth to new life.

Thanks, Beautiful One, I appreciate the sentiment.